Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Holidays are fun work,

I have recently returned from a 3 week holiday in the beautiful hot climes of South Africa. This holiday had been a year in the planning, and so the work began.

Firstly liaising with work colleagues to ensure that annual leave doesn't clash with their holidays,organising with managers to get extended time off.
Once that is organised  the work of saving begins, from £2 coins and £1 coins to serious budgeting every month to buy plane tickets, train/tram tickets taxis and any other mode of transport needed to get to the destination.  Hire cars, hotels, and what ever else comes up.Oh and not forgetting the passport checking it's in date!

There is the work of packing what clothes to take, what to leave behind what to wear there and back especially with such vast temperature differences, and weight fluctuations and I mean body weight not just suitcase weight!

The most fun work is choosing and buying gifts for the special people you are going to visit, there are birthdays to cover and weddings and the just because I love you presents all chosen with care, wrapped and packed, it is hard work in a good way choosing gifts, as  they have to suit that person so that when the gift is revealed you can see the delight and the acknowledgement that it is something of interest and they most definitely have been thought of.

Then there is the work of where to stay, who to stay with if that is an option, how many people do you see how many times do you see them  as everyone is special but you don't want to feel like your harassing anyone either.

Eventually the time arrives and finally we arrive at our destination and it is just Fabulous, all that 'work' is paying off, the plans, the organising, the shopping, everything just falls into place and the work of holidaying begins, visiting places, visiting people, having fun catching up, relishing the weather, good food, great company, special moments, reminiscing, and all manner of good things. All that work of holidaying is so worth it, I am back now and already planning on working on my next epic trip to South Africa. It is the best  type of work!