Thursday, August 8, 2013


So there I was in post birthday glow, planning a shopping and spa day thanks to my wonderful generous family and friends, when I was rudely interrupted by my phone ringing. I was suspicious as it was showing not 1 but 2 numbers on the screen so I ignored it, this happened a few times throughout the day when I gave in and answered, it was Barclays Fraud Squad,it appears I have been a victim of hacking, as another human without any conscious has had a spending spree on my behalf.
I do not use my credit card lightly, it's soul purpose is to buy me a flight to my son who lives in a distant land, So I use it minimally; back in my day you used cold hard cash for your purchases and it was your own not stolen from someone else. Cheques were considered modern, for a while this was the way to buy things. Online shopping was frowned upon when it first became prevalent, you were setting yourself up for a fall if you shopped this way.

 I have a sensible head on my shoulders I check my bank statements, I don't spend without knowing what I have, unfortunately I have been in poor financial health  for a while, which makes this situation all the more serious.  The fraud squad tell me they are investigating, but it's not that simple, when were my details compromised, did I make a foolish purchase, and what if the bank says I need to pay.

What sort of a person sits at a computer and decides to steal from someone else? Hacking is met with a certain amount of admiration as they have broke the system, movies portray hacking as clever, look at War Games, a young man hacks the school system to improve his grades and nearly starts world war 3. I know someone who did this in a prestige school, they didn't start world war 3 but it was a scandal in the local community for a while.

 Mission Impossible, Golden Eye, the Matrix (never got that movie) and Die Hard 4.0 to name just a few, the plots and the art of hacking is always seen as good regardless of the ethical or moral value,I just wish Bruce Willis could help me with my predicament. 


  1. HOW RUDE!! Hope you get it sorted out pronto. Now you definitely need that shopping day and spa visit!
